Australian Whistle PLayer Barry – Sends in Letter with feedback

2021 Aussie 1st Letter from Barry from Oz

Hi Rod

I just received your whistle today. In short BRILLIANT!!!!!!

I have played in celtic bands for over twenty years at pubs, festivals etc but have never been able to find a low D that my short small fingers could completely cover the holes. The result was inconsistent notes due to partial hole coverage. The best I could do was to play low octave airs and slow stuff.

Not any more!

I still have work on the breathing aspect but I feel I can play faster reels and hornpipes for the first time with a low D. As you said you can position your fingers just like a descant recorder or normal D whistle.

The attached “one take wonder” sound clip presents enormous possibilities when recording music as I now can play both the low and high D featuring in a tune. 

Thanks again a fantastic product and definitely worth the outlay and the relatively short wait. The quality of the packaging you provided indicates your careful attention to detail.

Sorry about the quality of the recording. Perhaps later I can do something a little more polished that places an appropriate spotlight on your whistle.

Cheers Barry from OZ 

2nd Letter with more information from Barry

Hi Rod

Again thank you for doing the research and groundwork in order to create a Low D whistle that can be played by a person with small hands and one that prefers to use recorder/ penny whistle end of finger placement on the whistle.

I played a number of tunes with your whistle and thought I would pick up my Howard low D immediately after. Wow let me say in all probability the Howard will be permanently shelved. THERE IS NO COMPARISON. The Howard is too difficult for me to get clear perfect notes the majority of times. 

I play every Thursday with a folk group where a couple of multi instrumentalists change from violin, mandolin, tenor recorder and whistles. They too struggle with the low D and I have no doubt they will show great interest in this instrument. 

I am happy for you to post my comments supporting your product as I am sure there are many frustrated penny whistle wannabe low D players out there that share my story.

I would like to produce a short file that clearly demonstrates the strengths of your whistle. I will proceed once I get your approval. I have so much time available in lockdown it would be fun to do. Your whistle is an absolute winner. !!!!

I am so happy that I took the plunge and placed an order with you. Now to check out you other offerings.

Have a good day,

Cheers Barry from OZ